A new weather service

A new weather service

A new weather service

A new weather service

I worked on a product design project to explore the future of weather for the Australian public @ BOM

User Research

Workshop Facilitation

Co-design and Ideation

UX Design and Prototyping

Coaching and Mentoring

During this time the team designed and developed: 4 pre-alpha prototypes, 2 alpha prototypes, 3 design visions, 1 beta prototype, digital style guide. My role included designing and conducting user research sessions, leading stakeholder workshops and engagement sessions, leading strategic design approaches including designing and developing UX and UI conceptual design ideas, supporting UX and UI designers, overall project accountability and quality.

You are reviewing a high-level overview of this project and can view some examples of work and artefacts that were developed during this initiative. For a detailed case-study of this work, please reach out!


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Research Studies

User research studies at VCAT
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Research studies to improve CX insights, products, services and experiences @ VCAT

Usability Benchmarking
Diary Studies
Language Comprehension
Service Blueprinting
Establish Research Ops
User Research