Service Design

Service Design

Service Design

Service Design

I was tasked with leading a service design project to better understand organisational challenges and how they contributed to a poor customer experience. I lead a range of research initiatives with the aim of developing a strategic approach to supporting digital self-service @ Optus.

Ethnographic Research

Contextual Inquiry in Contact Centre

Intercept Research In-store

Synthesis of Call Reason Codes, Web Data and Search Behaviour

Service Blueprinting & Value Prop Concepting

My goal was to dig into the issues our customers faced when dealing with Optus – before, during, and post interacting with us. I was curious about how things worked behind the scenes to support these experiences.

I observed what was happening in our customer service centres, retail branches, reviewed website data and analytics, and interviewed folks who were thinking about switching to another phone provider. All of this work led to key service blueprints, and service value proposition concepts.

We made recommendations that covered a range service and product enhancements, leveraging technology to minimize the need for human intervention and empowering customers to effortlessly resolve issues with just a click.

The research work was broad and allowed me to understand the anatomy of an experience. Why it is happening, what it means for customers, how staff are attempting to resolve it, and how we can leverage insight, design and technology to improve these experiences.

The anatomy of an experience

All of the data and insights worked together to paint a picture of where our customers were struggling, and how we could better support them.

Orchestrate data and insight

The concepts and recommendations were not sexy or particularly innovative. They solved problems that existed for users and staff as well as reduced the cost to support these experiences in the future.

Technology over humans

You are reviewing a high-level overview of this project and can view some examples of work and artefacts that were developed during this initiative. For a detailed case-study of this work, please reach out!


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Web Transformation

mental task flow modelling
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A website transformation to deliver a seamless digital customer experience @ Optus

Mental Task Flow Modelling
User Research - Benchmarking & Concept Testing
Interaction Design & Wireframing
Front-end Prototyping
Design Documentation
UX & Product Design